- 1st November
- 1814 : Opening of the Congress of Vienna.
- 2 November
- 1802 : Death of General Leclerc in Saint-Domingue.
- 1813 : Evacuation of Frankfurt and crossing of the Rhine.
- 3 November
- 1805 : Treaty of alliance between Russia and Prussia signed at Potsdam.
- 4 November
- 1814 : The law restores the emigrants national property unsold.
- 5 November
- 1808 : Napoleon arrives in Vitoria.
- 6 November
- 1796 : Failed Massena in Bassano.
- 7 November
- 1807 : Napoleon loses his temper in front of the Spanish ambassador against Charles IV's letter, who accuses him of having made his son excited against him. The Tsar protests against the bombardment of Copenhagen and puts Russia in a state of war against England.
- 8 November
- 1799 : Preparation of 18 Brumaire: Bonaparte dines Cambaceres.
- 9 November
- 1799 : Coup of 18 Brumaire.
- 10 November
- 1799 : Election of three provisional consuls, Bonaparte, Sieyes and Roger Ducos.
- 1805 : Battle of Dürrenstein between Mortier and Kutuzov. In Paris, bankruptcy of Recamier bank.
- 1808 : Spanish defeat at Espinosa and Burgos.
- 11 November
- 1807 : Injunction of the English gouvernement to all neutral ships: they have to pass through England before landing on the continent.
- 1813 : Capitulation of Saint Cyr in Dresden.
- 13 November
- 1805 : The French enter in Vienna.
- 1812 : Second Battle of Salamanca. Soult defeats Wellington without being able to destroy his army.
- 14 November
- 1805 : Entry of Napoleon in Vienna.
- 15 November
- 1806 : The import ban on British goods passed by Congress of the United States comes into force.
- 1807 : Jerome Napoleon receives a constitution ready for employment for the kingdom of Westphalia.
- 16 November
- 1806 : At Charlottenburg, a truce is signed between France and Prussia.
- 1813 : Popular uprising against the French in Amsterdam.
- 17 November
- 1796 : Victory at Arcola.
- 1811 : Pius VII refuses to invest the bishops of the Papal States annexed to the Empire.
- 19 November
- 1802 : Vivant Denon becomes Director General of the Louvre.
- 1805 : Twenty thousand English and Russian soldiers land in Naples.
- 1807 : Entry of Junot in Portugal.
- 1809 : Victory of Soult and Mortier in Ocaña.
- 20 November
- 1799 : The Treasury fund contains less than 167 000 francs cash.
- 21 November
- 1806 : Berlin Decree establishing the continental blockade.
- 22 November
- 1813 : The Russians arrive in Amsterdam.
- 23 November
- 1807 : The first decree of Milan orders the confiscation of any vessel having landed in England.
- 24 November
- 1812 : Start of construction of bridges over the Berezina by Eble and his pontonniers.
- 25 November
- 1812 : Continued construction of bridges over the Berezina.
- 1813 : Defection of the Grand Duke of Baden.
- 26 November
- 1802 : The four main theaters of Paris (Odeon, Opera, Opera-Comique, French-theater) pass under the supervision of the prefect of the palace of the Tuileries.
- 1806 : Frederick William III refuses to ratify the armistice signed November 16 in Charlottenburg.
- 1812 : Completed construction of bridges over the Berezina.
- 27 November
- 1812 : Passage of the Berezina for the Emperor, custody and artillery.
- 28 November
- 1797 : Opening the congress of Rastatt.
- 1799 : Creation of the consular guard.
- 1803 : Capitulation of Rochambeau and remnants of the expedition Saint-Domingue.
- 1806 : Entry of the French army in Warsaw.
- 1812 : Battle of the Berezina.