N & E
Napoleon & Empire

Napoleonic Timeline of 1814

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Napoleon Bonaparte in 1814
Napoleon Bonaparte in 1814

1st January – After having crosed the river Rhine, Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher marches towards Nancy. Napoleon apostrophes French deputies, during the reception of New Year's day: Are you people's representatives? I am, me ... I have a title and you do not ... Return to your departments!. – 3rd January – Allies enter Montbéliard. – 4 January – In Paris, free corps are created. – 7 January – The allies enter Dole. – 11 January – Betrayal of Joachim Murat: he promises, in a treaty with Austria, to provide thirty thousand men to drive the French out of Italy. – 13 January – Napoleon reviews troops at the Carrousel  . – 14 January – Marshal Ney evacuates Nancy. – 16 January – Langres is taken by Allies. – 17 January – Denmark declares war on France. – 19 January – Allies enter Dijon, Burgundy. – 20 January – Allies enter Chambery, Savoy. – 21 January – Napoleon orders to bring back the Pope Pius VII to Italy. – 23 January – Presentation of the King of Rome to the officers of the National Guard. – 24 January – Joseph Bonaparte is appointed Lieutenant General of the Emperor. Empress Marie-Louise becomes regent. – 25 January – Fall of Lleida, French last place in Spain. Napoleon joins the army. – 26 January – Marshal Berthier is ordered to distribute to the army two to three hundred thousand bottles of wine and distilled spirits taken in Vitry. – 27 January – Napoleon defeats the vanguard of Blücher in Saint-Dizier. – 29 January – The Marie-Louise (young soldiers battalions) beat Blücher at Brienne.

3rd February – A conference betwen French and Allies opens at Châtillon-sur-Seine. – 4 February – Blücher resumes the offensive and enters La Fere-Champenoise. Marshal Macdonald retreats towards Chateau-Thierry. – 6 February – The French retreat to Nogent. Napoleon plans the evacuation of Paris by the government. – 7 February – Napoleon gets informed that the allies demand that France founds its limits prior to the Revolution. – 8 February – He refuses these conditions. -  9 February – The Conference of Chatillon is suspended. – 12 February – The Duke of Angoulême (nephew of Louis XVIII) addresses a proclamation to the French from Saint-Jean de Luz, Basque country. – 17 February – Conference resumes at Chatillon. – 18 February – French victory at Montereau. – 19 February – Eliza, sister of Napoleon, states cutting ties with the French Empire. – 22 February – The Allies met in Troyes to hold a council of war. They decide to retire and offer Napoleon an armistice. – 24 February – Napoleon enters Troyes, Champagne. – 25 February – Negotiations begin at Lusigny, for an armistice. However discussions at Chatillon continue. – 28 February – End of conference of Lusigny; no results.

1st March – The Allies proclaim themselves associated for twenty years against France: it is the Treaty of Chaumont. – 4 March – All French people are called to arms. – 9 March – Battle of Laon. – 10 March – Battle of Laon (end). Napoleon retreats towards Soissons. The Baron of Vitrolles, as emissary of Talleyrand, arrives at the headquarters of the Allies. – 12 March – The Duke of Angouleme enters Bordeaux. Louis XVIII is proclaimed King. – 19 March – The negotiations of Chatillon are permanently discontinued. Arrival of the Count of Artois (Louis XVIII's younger brother) in Nancy. – 20 March – Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube. The imperial army must retire behind the river Aube. The bridge at Arcis is shot. – 23 March – The Allies cross the river Aube and head to Paris. – 28 March – The Tsar Alexander I looks down at the capital from the hills over the river Seine. – 29 March – Empress Marie-Louise and her son leave Paris for Rome. – 30 March – Start of the battle for Paris at 6 AM. Marshal Marmont offers to negotiate a cease-fire at 4 PM. – 31 March – Signature of the capitulation of Paris at 2 AM. The Allies enter Paris at 11 AM. Napoleon is at Fontainebleau.

1st April – The French Senate appoints a provisional government headed by Talleyrand. – 2nd April – The Senate declares Napoleon Bonaparte and his family deprived of the throne, the French people and army freed from their oath of fidelity. – 3rd April – The French Legislature votes the forfeiture, too. – 4 April – Napoleon at Fontainebleau signs a form of conditional abdication, which preserves the rights of his son and the Empress Regent. – 5 April – He reviews the debris of his guard. – 6 April – Council with the Marshals. The Senate freely calls Louis-Stanislas-Xavier (Louis XVIII) to the throne. Napoleon renounces for himself and his family to the thrones of France and Italy. – 8 April – The provisional government declares invalid all acts of Napoleon since his disqualification by the Senate. – 10 April – A ceremony of cleansing takes place in Paris, Place de la Concorde, the place where had been guillotined King Louis XVI and Queen Marie-Antoinette. – 11 April – The allies offer to Napoleon the sovereignty of the island of Elba, in the Mediterranean Sea. – 12 April – Attempted suicide of Napoleon, late at night. – 13 April – Napoleon accepts the offer of Allies. – 14 April – The Count d'Artois receives the lieutenant general of the kingdom from the Senate. – 15 April – He is solemnly received by the Senate. – 19 April – Allied commissioners responsible to accompany Napoleon to Elba arrive at Fontainebleau. – 20 April – Farewell of the Emperor to his guard. – 24 April – Louis XVIII lands at Calais, North France. – 28 April – At Saint-Raphael, Napoleon embarks on the British frigate The Undaunted.

3rd May – Napoleon arrives at the island of Elba. King Louis XVIII enters Paris. – 24 May – Return of Pope Pius VII in Rome. – 29 May – Josephine dies at Malmaison. – 30 May – First Treaty of Paris: France is reduced to its 1792 borders. – 31 May – Pauline Bonaparte joins her brother in the island of Elba.

1st June – Proclamation of peace in Paris. – 4 June – Louis XVIII gives the Charter. In Porto-Ferrajo, the capital of the island of Elba, a ball is given aboard a British ship for the anniversary of King George, Napoleon Bonaparte attending.

3rd August – Arrival of Napoleon's mother at the island of Elba. – 15 August – Celebration of the anniversary of Napoleon in all his kingdom.

1st September – Arrival of Maria Walewska and her son to the island of Elba.

3rd November – Opening of the Congress of Vienna, a conference of ambassadors of European states chaired by Austrian statesman Klemens Wenzel von Metternich.