N & E
Napoleon & Empire

Terrestrial fights after 1805

List of terrestrial feats of arms : [Under French Revolution and Consulate] [Under First French Empire]

II. List of terrestrial feats of arms during French First Empire

Date Location Commander in chief Campaign
8 October 1805 Germany French victory Fight of Wertingen Murat Campaign in Germany
9 October 1805 Germany French victory Fight of Guntzbourg [Günzburg] Ney Campaign in Germany
11 October 1805 Germany French victory Fight of Haslach Dupont de l'Etang Campaign in Germany
11 October 1805 Germany French victory Fight of Albeck Dupont de l'Etang Campaign in Germany
13 October 1805 Germany French victory Capture of Memmingen Soult Campaign in Germany
14 October 1805 Germany French victory Fight of Elchingen Ney Campaign in Germany
17 October 1805 Germany French victory Fight of Nereshein Klein Campaign in Germany
18 October 1805 Germany French victory Fight of Nördlingen Murat Campaign in Germany
20 October 1805 Germany French victory Capture of Ulm Napoléon Campaign in Germany
30 October 1805 Austria French victory Capture of Saltzbourg [Salzburg] Bernadotte Campaign in Germany
31 October 1805 Austria French victory Fight of Passling [Pass Lueg] (47.57592, 13.19495) François Étienne Kellermann Campaign in Germany
1st November 1805 Italy French victory Fight of Saint-Léonard (45.45460, 10.99454) Masséna Campaign in Germany (Battlefront of Italy)
4 November 1805 Austria French victory Capture of Steyr Murat, Davout Campaign in Germany
5 November 1805 Italy French victory Capture of Vicence [Vicenza] Masséna Campaign in Germany (Battlefront of Italy)
6 November 1805 Austria French victory Fight of Amstetten Murat Campaign in Germany
7 November 1805 Austria French victory Capture of Inspruck [Innsbruck] Ney Campaign in Germany
8 November 1805 Austria French victory Fight of Mariazell Davout ?, Heudelet Campaign in Germany
11 November 1805 Austria French victory Fight of Dürrenstein Mortier Campaign in Germany
13 November 1805 Austria French victory Entry into Vienna [Wien] Napoléon Campaign in Germany
16 November 1805 Austria French victory Fight of Hollabrunn (or of Schöngrabern) (48.59245, 16.06576) Murat, Lannes, Soult Campaign in Germany
18 November 1805 Czech Republic French victory Fight of Porlitz [Pohořelice] (48.98092, 16.52243) Sébastiani Campaign in Germany
24 November 1805 Italy French victory Fight of Castel Franco [Castelfranco Veneto] (45.67136, 11.92599) Gouvion Saint-Cyr Campaign in Germany (Battlefront of Italy)
2 December 1805 Czech Republic French victory Battle of Austerlitz [Slavkov u Brna] Napoléon Campaign in Germany
6 March 1806 Italy French victory Fight of Lago Negro [Lagonegro] (40.12270, 15.76670) Compère War of the Troisième coalition
9 March 1806 Italy French victory Fight of Campo Tenese [Campotenese] (39.87500, 16.06666) Reynier War of the Troisième coalition
18 July 1806 Italy French victory Capture of Gaëte [Gaeta] Masséna War of the Troisième coalition
1st October 1806 Montenegro French victory Fight of Castelnovo or Castel-Nuovo [Herceg Novi] Marmont Dalmatian Campaign
9 October 1806 Germany French victory Fight of Saalbourg [Saalburg] Bernadotte Campaign in Prussia
9 October 1806 Germany French victory Fight of Schietz Bernadotte Campaign in Prussia
10 October 1806 Germany French victory Fight of Saalfeld Lannes, Suchet Campaign in Prussia
12 October 1806 Germany French victory Capture of Naumburg an der Saale Davout Campaign in Prussia
14 October 1806 Germany French victory Battle of Auerstaedt [Auerstedt] Davout Campaign in Prussia
14 October 1806 Germany French victory Battle of Jena Napoléon Campaign in Prussia
16 October 1806 Germany French victory Fight of Grenssen Soult, Murat Campaign in Prussia
16 October 1806 Germany French victory Capture of Erfurth [Erfurt] Soult, Murat Campaign in Prussia
17 October 1806 Germany French victory Fight of Halle Bernadotte Campaign in Prussia
18 October 1806 Germany French victory Occupation of Leipsick [Leipzig] Davout Campaign in Prussia
20 October 1806 Germany French victory Crossing of River Elbe Davout, Lannes Campaign in Prussia
25 October 1806 Germany French victory Capture of Berlin Davout, Lannes Campaign in Prussia
25 October 1806 Germany French victory Capture of Spandau Davout, Lannes Campaign in Prussia
26 October 1806 Germany French victory Fight of Zehdenick (52.98240, 13.33254) Murat, Lasalle Campaign in Prussia
28 October 1806 Germany French victory Capture of Prentzlow Murat Campaign in Prussia
29 October 1806 Germany French victory Capture of Passewalk [Pasewalk] (53.50410, 13.99760) Lasalle, Lilhaud Campaign in Prussia
29 October 1806 Poland French victory Capture of Stettin [Szczecin] (53.42509, 14.55715) Lasalle, Lilhaud Campaign in Prussia
31 October 1806 Germany French victory Fight of Anklam (53.85529, 13.69283) Becker Campaign in Prussia
1st November 1806 Poland French victory Capture of Custrin [Kostrzyn] (52.58727, 14.64959) Petit Campaign in Prussia
3 November 1806 Germany French victory Fight of Wismar (53.89153, 11.46613) Savary Campaign in Prussia
6 November 1806 Germany French victory Rendition of Schwartau [Bad Schwartau] (53.91974, 10.69802) Murat, Bernadotte, Soult Campaign in Prussia
6 November 1806 Germany French victory Capture of Lübeck Murat, Bernadotte, Soult Campaign in Prussia
8 November 1806 Germany French victory Capture of Magdeburg Ney Campaign in Prussia
20 November 1806 Germany French victory Capture of Hamelin [Hameln] (52.10515, 9.35656) Savary Campaign in Prussia
25 November 1806 Germany French victory Capture of Nienburg-an-der-Weser (52.63997, 9.20732) Savary Campaign in Prussia
28 November 1806 Poland French victory Occupation of Warsaw [Warszawa] Murat Campaign in Poland
2 December 1806 Poland French victory Capture of Glogau [Głogów] (51.66275, 16.08625) Vandamme Campaign in Poland
11 December 1806 Poland French victory Crossing of the River Bug, nowadays the Narew, at Okunin (52.44319, 20.75428) Gauthier Campaign in Poland
23 December 1806 Poland French victory Fight of Bieżuń Bessières Campaign in Poland
23 December 1806 Poland French victory Fight of Czarnowo Napoléon Campaign in Poland
26 December 1806 Poland French victory Fight of Golymin Lannes, Davout Campaign in Poland
26 December 1806 Poland French victory Fight of Pultusk Lannes, Davout Campaign in Poland
30 December 1806 Poland French victory Fight of Ohlau [Oława] Montbrun Campaign in Poland
7 January 1807 Poland French victory Capture of Breslau [Wroclaw] Vandamme Campaign in Poland
10 January 1807 Poland French victory Fight of Wollin [Wolin] Mortier Campaign in Poland
17 January 1807 Poland French victory Capture of Brieg [Brzeg] Lefebvre-Desnouettes Campaign in Poland
25 January 1807 Poland French victory Fight of Mohrungen [Morąg] Bernadotte Campaign in Poland
3 February 1807 Poland French victory Fight of Bergfried [Barkweda] (53.86500, 20.37990) Soult Campaign in Poland
5 February 1807 Poland French victory Fight of Deppen [Kalisty] (53.91834, 20.19657) Ney, Murat Campaign in Poland
5 February 1807 Poland French victory Fight of Watersdorff [Waltersdorf / Włodowo] (53.94069, 20.15046) Ney, Murat Campaign in Poland
6 February 1807 Poland French victory Fight of Hoff [Hoofe / Dwórzno] (54.25444, 20.47138) Murat Campaign in Poland
8 February 1807 Russia Uncertain outcome Battle of Eylau (Preußisch Eylau) [Bagrationovsk] Napoléon Campaign in Poland
12 February 1807 Poland French victory Fight of Marienwerder [Kwidzyn] Lefebvre Campaign in Poland
16 February 1807 Poland French victory Battle of Ostrolenka [Ostrołęka] Savary Campaign in Poland
16 February 1807 Poland French victory Capture of Schweldnitz Vandamme Campaign in Poland
26 February 1807 Poland French victory Fight of Braunsberg [Braniewo] (54.38269, 19.82471) Dupont de l'Etang Campaign in Poland
17 April 1807 Germany French victory Fight of Uckermünde [Ueckermünde] Mortier Campaign in Poland
15 May 1807 Poland French victory Fight of Dantzick [Dantzig / Gdansk] Lefebvre Campaign in Poland
27 May 1807 Poland French victory Capture of Dantzick [Dantzig / Gdansk] Lefebvre Campaign in Poland
5 June 1807 Poland French defeat Battle of Guttstadt [Dobre Miasto] (53.98726, 20.39855) Ney Campaign in Poland
5 June 1807 Poland French defeat Fight of Lomitten (54.08554, 20.05478) Bernadotte Campaign in Poland
5 June 1807 Poland French defeat Fight of Spanden [Spedy] (54.13706, 19.94541) Soult Campaign in Poland
8 June 1807 Poland French victory Fight of Wolfsdorf [Wilczkowo] (54.00139, 20.23993) Ney Campaign in Poland
10 June 1807 Poland French victory Battle of Heilsberg [Lidzbark Warmiński] (54.11667, 20.58325) Napoléon Campaign in Poland
11 June 1807 Poland Uncertain outcome Fight of Druczewo [Drężewo] (53.08015, 21.52898) Claparède, Montbrun Campaign in Poland
13 June 1807 Russia French victory Fight of Kreuzburg [Slavskoye] Soult Campaign in Poland
14 June 1807 Russia French victory Battle of Friedland [Pravdinsk] Napoléon Campaign in Poland
16 June 1807 Russia French victory Capture of Koenigsberg [Kaliningrad] Soult Campaign in Poland
20 August 1807 Germany French victory Capture of Stralsund (54.30922, 13.08178) Brune Campaign in Poland
7 September 1807 Germany French victory Capture of the Rügen Island Brune Campaign in Poland
30 November 1807 Portugal French victory Occupation of Lisbon [Lisboa] Junot First invasion of Portugal
3 July 1808 Spain French victory Capture of Cuenca Caulaincourt Peninsular War
14 July 1808 Spain French victory Battle of Medina del Rio Seco Bessières Peninsular War
22 July 1808 Spain French defeat Battle of Bailen Dupont de l'Etang Peninsular War
21 August 1808 Portugal French defeat Battle of Vimeiro Junot First invasion of Portugal
17 October 1808 Italy French victory Capture of Capri Lamarque War of the Fourth Coalition
7 November 1808 Spain French victory Fight of Gueñes (43.21027, -3.09557) Lefebvre Peninsular War
10 November 1808 Spain French victory Battle of Espinosa de los Monteros Victor Peninsular War
10 November 1808 Spain French victory Capture of Burgos Soult Peninsular War
23 November 1808 Spain French victory Battle of Tudela Lannes, Moncey Peninsular War
30 November 1808 Spain French victory Battle of Somosierra Napoléon Peninsular War
4 December 1808 Spain French victory Capture of Madrid Napoléon Peninsular War
6 December 1808 Spain French victory Capture of Roses Gouvion Saint-Cyr Peninsular War
8 December 1808 Spain French victory Fight of Santa Cruz Montbrun Peninsular War
16 December 1808 Spain French victory Fight of Carderon (or Cardeleu) Gouvion Saint-Cyr Peninsular War
21 December 1808 Spain French victory Fight of Molins del Rey Gouvion Saint-Cyr Peninsular War
24 December 1808 Spain French victory Fight of Mayorga (42.16673, -5.26277) Marchand Peninsular War
30 December 1808 Spain French victory Fight of Mansilla Soult Peninsular War
30 December 1808 Spain French victory Capture of Leon Soult Peninsular War
3 January 1809 Spain French defeat Fight of Cacabelos (42.60001, -6.72831) and Pieros Colbert, Merle Peninsular War
4 January 1809 Spain French victory Fight of Piedrafita [Pedrafita do Cebreiro] (42.72676, -7.02165) Soult Peninsular War
8 January 1809 Spain French victory Capture of Lugo Soult Peninsular War
13 January 1809 Spain French victory Battle of Uclès (39.98037, -2.86346) Victor Peninsular War
16 January 1809 Spain French victory Capture of A Coruña [La Coruña] Soult Peninsular War
26 January 1809 Portugal French victory Capture of Alcañiz Wathier (or Watier or Wattier) Peninsular War
27 January 1809 Spain French victory Capture of Ferrol Soult Peninsular War
7 February 1809 Spain French victory Capture of Vigo Soult Peninsular War
21 February 1809 Spain French victory Capture of Zaragoza Lannes Peninsular War
24 February 1809 Spain French victory Fight of Reus Souham Peninsular War
12 March 1809 Portugal French victory Capture of Chaves Soult Second invasion of Portugal
17 March 1809 Spain French victory Fight of Mesas de Ibor (39.75599, -5.54670) Leval Peninsular War
27 March 1809 Spain French victory Fight of Ciudad Real Sébastiani Peninsular War
28 March 1809 Spain French victory Battle of Medellin Victor Peninsular War
28-29 March 1809 Portugal French victory Capture of Oporto [Porto] Soult Second invasion of Portugal
16 April 1809 Italy French defeat Battle of Sacile Prince Eugène Campaign in Germany and Austria
19 April 1809 Germany French victory Battle of Teugn-Hausen or of Tann [Herrnwahlthann] (48.84549, 11.98658) Napoléon, Davout, Lefebvre Campaign in Germany and Austria
19 April 1809 Germany French victory Fight of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm (48.53333, 11.51667) Oudinot Campaign in Germany and Austria
20 April 1809 Germany French victory Battle of Abensberg Napoléon Campaign in Germany and Austria
21 April 1809 Germany French victory Fight of Landshut Napoléon Campaign in Germany and Austria
22 April 1809 Germany French victory Battle of Eckmühl Napoléon Campaign in Germany and Austria
23 April 1809 Germany French victory Capture of Ratisbon [Regensburg] Napoléon Campaign in Germany and Austria
26-30 April 1809 Croatia French defeat Fights of the River Zrmanja Marmont Dalmatian Campaign
1st May 1809 Austria French victory Fight of Ried [Ried im Innkreis] (48.21000, 13.48944) Oudinot Campaign in Germany and Austria
2 May 1809 Portugal French victory Fight of the Bridge of Amarante Soult Second invasion of Portugal
3 May 1809 Austria French victory Fight of Ebelsberg (or Ebersberg) (48.24744, 14.32527) Masséna Campaign in Germany and Austria
8 May 1809 Italy French victory Battle of the River Piave Prince Eugène Campaign in Germany and Austria
16 May 1809 Croatia French victory Fight of Pribudić Marmont Dalmatian Campaign
17 May 1809 Italy French victory Capture of Malborghetto Prince Eugène Campaign in Germany and Austria
19 May 1809 Spain French victory Capture of Oviedo Ney Peninsular War
21 May 1809 Croatia Uncertain outcome Fight of Goszpich [Gospić] Marmont Dalmatian Campaign
22 May 1809 Austria Uncertain outcome Battle of Aspern-Essling (Aspern-Eßling) Napoléon Campaign in Germany and Austria
23 May 1809 Spain French defeat Fight of Alcañiz Suchet Peninsular War
25 May 1809 Austria French victory Fight of Sankt Michael in Obersteiermark (47.33672, 15.01998) Grenier, Séras Campaign in Germany and Austria
28 May 1809 Croatia French victory Capture of Fiume [Rijeka] Marmont Campaign in Dalmatia
14 June 1809 Hongrie French victory Battle of Raab Prince Eugène Campaign in Germany and Austria
15 June 1809 Spain French victory Battle of María de Huerva Suchet Peninsular War
17 June 1809 Spain French victory Fight of Torrecilla La Val Peninsular War
18 June 1809 Spain French victory Battle of Belchite Suchet Peninsular War
26 June 1809 Austria French victory Fight of Graz Broussier Campaign in Germany and Austria
5 July 1809 Austria French victory Battle of Enzersdorf Napoléon Campaign in Germany and Austria
6 July 1809 Austria French victory Battle of Wagram [Deutsch-Wagram] Napoléon Campaign in Germany and Austria
11 July 1809 Czech Republic French victory Fight of Znaïm [Znojmo] Napoléon Campaign in Germany and Austria
28 July 1809 Spain Uncertain outcome Battle of Talavera Joseph Bonaparte Peninsular War
8 August 1809 Spain French victory Fight of Arzobispo [Puente del Arzobispo] (39.799736, -5.16985) Soult, Mortier Peninsular War
11 August 1809 Spain French victory Battle of Almonacid de Toledo Sébastiani Peninsular War
12 August 1809 Spain French victory Fight of the Pass of Baños de Montemayor (40.31617, -5.85579) Lorcet Peninsular War
26 August 1809 Spain French victory Capture of San Juan de la Peña (42.50800, -0.66650) Suchet Peninsular War
30 August 1809 Spain Uncertain outcome Fight of Bruñola (41.90454, 2.68448) Souham Peninsular War
19 November 1809 Spain French victory Battle of Ocaña Soult, Mortier Peninsular War
23 November 1809 Spain French defeat Fight of Carpio (41.21272, -5.10933) François Étienne Kellermann Peninsular War
28 November 1809 Spain French victory Fight of Alba de Tormes (40.82427, -5.51365) François Étienne Kellermann Peninsular War
9 December 1809 Spain French victory Fight of Alfaraz de Sayago (41.22770, -5.98431) Robert Peninsular War
22 December 1809 Spain French victory Fight of Sotto [Soto] Loison Peninsular War
20 January 1810 Spain French victory Crossing of the Sierra Morena Joseph Bonaparte Peninsular War
28 January 1810 Spain French victory Fight of Alcala la Real Sébastiani Peninsular War
28 January 1810 Spain French victory Capture of Granada Sébastiani Peninsular War
31 January 1810 Spain French victory Capture of Sevilla Victor Peninsular War
5 February 1810 Spain French victory Capture of Malaga Sébastiani Peninsular War
16 February 1810 Spain French victory Fight of Villeos [Villel] (40.23461, -1.18809) Leval Peninsular War
20 February 1810 Spain French victory Fight of Vich [Vic] Souham Peninsular War
6 May 1810 Spain French victory Capture of Astorga Junot Peninsular War
14 May 1810 Spain French victory Capture of the castle of Hostalrich Augereau Peninsular War
10 July 1810 Spain French victory Capture of Ciudad Rodrigo Ney Peninsular War
24 July 1810 Portugal French victory Fight of the Côa Masséna, Ney Third invasion of Portugal
27 August 1810 Portugal French victory Capture of Almeida Ney Third invasion of Portugal
14 September 1810 Spain French victory Fight of Oviedo Bonet Peninsular War
25 September 1810 Portugal Uncertain outcome Fight of Mortagoa Masséna Third invasion of Portugal
27 September 1810 Portugal French defeat Battle of Buçaco Masséna Third invasion of Portugal
1st October 1810 Portugal French victory Capture of Coïmbra Masséna Third invasion of Portugal
9 October 1810 Portugal French defeat Fight of Sobral Junot Third invasion of Portugal
15 October 1810 Spain French victory Fight of the fortress of Fuengirola Młokosiewicz Peninsular War
22 November 1810 Spain French victory Fight of Belorado Roguet Peninsular War
26 November 1810 Spain French victory Fight of Ulldecona Musnier Peninsular War
29 November 1810 Spain French victory Fight of Fresno Valletaux Peninsular War
2 January 1811 Spain French victory Capture of Tortosa Suchet Peninsular War
23 January 1811 Spain French victory Capture of Olivenca Soult, Mortier Peninsular War
26 January 1811 Spain French victory Fight of Villanueva de los Castillejos Maransin Peninsular War
1st February 1811 Spain French victory Fight of Checa Paris Peninsular War
19 February 1811 Spain French victory Battle of La Gebora Soult, Mortier Peninsular War
5 March 1811 Spain French defeat Fight of Chiclana (or of Barrosa) Victor Peninsular War
10 March 1811 Spain French victory Capture of Badajoz Soult, Mortier Peninsular War
12 March 1811 Portugal French victory Fight of Redinha Masséna, Ney Third invasion of Portugal
14 March 1811 Portugal French victory Fight of Condeixa (or of Casal Novo) Ney Third invasion of Portugal
23 March 1811 Portugal French defeat Fight of Celorico da Beira Masséna Third invasion of Portugal
28 March 1811 Portugal French defeat Fight of Freixeda [Freixedas] (40.69190, -7.16328) Masséna Third invasion of Portugal
31 March 1811 Spain French victory Capture of Manresa Macdonald Peninsular War
3 April 1811 Portugal French defeat Fight of Sabugal Masséna, Reynier Third invasion of Portugal
4 April 1811 Spain French victory Fight of Cantavieja Dupeyroux Peninsular War
5 May 1811 Spain Uncertain outcome Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro Masséna Peninsular War
16 May 1811 Spain Uncertain outcome Battle of Albuera Soult Peninsular War
21 May 1811 Spain French victory Fight of Alcover (41.26242, 1.17128) Suchet Peninsular War
29 May 1811 Spain French victory Capture of Oliva Suchet Peninsular War
28 June 1811 Spain French victory Capture of Tarragona Suchet Peninsular War
11 July 1811 Spain French victory Fight of Val de Oliva (40.50668, -2.44551) La Houssaye Peninsular War
24 July 1811 Spain French victory Capture of Montserrat Suchet Peninsular War
9 August 1811 Spain French victory Fight of Zújar (37.54000, -2.84348) Soult Peninsular War
10 August 1811 Spain French defeat Fight of Las Vertientes (37.59579, -2.39470) Soult Peninsular War
14 August 1811 Spain French victory Fight of Santander Rouget Peninsular War
25 October 1811 Spain French victory Battle of Sagunto [Sagunt] Suchet Peninsular War
26 December 1811 Spain French victory Battle of Albufera Suchet Peninsular War
26 December 1811 Spain French victory Capture of Guadalaviar Suchet Peninsular War
31 December 1811 Spain French defeat Assault of Tarifa Leval Peninsular War
9 January 1812 Spain French victory Capture of Valencia [València] Suchet Peninsular War
4 February 1812 Spain French victory Capture of Peñiscola Severoli Peninsular War
8 February 1812 Spain French victory Battle of Altafulla Mathieu de La Redorte Peninsular War
1st June 1812 Spain French victory Fight of Bornos Conroux Peninsular War
13 June 1812 Spain French victory Fight of Carcagente [Carcaixent] Habert Peninsular War
24 June 1812 Lituania French victory Crossing of the River Niemen upstream of Kaunas (54.85913, 23.93848) Napoléon French invasion of Russia
12 July 1812 Spain French victory Fight of Liria [Llíria] Suchet Peninsular War
22 July 1812 Spain French defeat Battle of Salamanca Marmont Peninsular War
23 July 1812 Belarus French victory Battle of Mohilow [Moguilev] or of Saltanovka Davout French invasion of Russia
31 July 1812 Belarus Uncertain outcome Fight of Iakubowo (or of Klyastitsy, or of the Drissa) [55.88716, 28.55158] Oudinot French invasion of Russia
1st August 1812 Belarus French victory Fight of Oboiarszina Oudinot French invasion of Russia
17 August 1812 Russia French victory Battle of Smolensk Napoléon French invasion of Russia
18 August 1812 Russia French victory Battle of Polotsk Gouvion Saint-Cyr French invasion of Russia
19 August 1812 Russia French victory Fight of Walutina Gora (Valutina) Ney French invasion of Russia
5 September 1812 Russia French victory Capture of the Alexino redoubt Compans French invasion of Russia
7 September 1812 Russia Uncertain outcome Battle of Borodino Napoléon French invasion of Russia
9 September 1812 Russia Uncertain outcome Fight of Mojaïsk Murat French invasion of Russia
10 September 1812 Russia Uncertain outcome Fight of Zelkowo Murat French invasion of Russia
14 September 1812 Russia French victory Entry into Moscow [Moskva] Napoléon French invasion of Russia
22 October 1812 Spain French victory Defence of Burgos Dubreton Peninsular War
23 October 1812 Russia French defeat Evacuation of Moscow [Moskva] Napoléon French invasion of Russia
24 October 1812 Russia French victory Battle of Malo Jarolawetz (Maloïaroslavets) Prince Eugène French invasion of Russia
2 November 1812 Spain French victory Fight of La Garriga Decaen Peninsular War
3 November 1812 Russia French defeat Battle of Wiazma Prince Eugène French invasion of Russia
14 November 1812 Belarus French defeat Fight of Smoliani Victor French invasion of Russia
18 November 1812 Russia French defeat Battle of Krasnoë (or Krasnoje) Napoléon French invasion of Russia
24 November 1812 Belarus French victory Fight of Borissov [Baryssaw] Oudinot French invasion of Russia
26 November 1812 Belarus French victory Crossing of the Berezina river Napoléon French invasion of Russia
28 November 1812 Belarus French victory Battle of Berezina Napoléon French invasion of Russia
17 December 1812 Spain French victory Fight of Duroca Severoli Peninsular War
6 January 1813 Spain French victory Fight of Bilbao [Bilbo] Rouget Peninsular War
1st February 1813 Spain French victoryFight of Medina Coeli [Medinaceli] (41.16920, -2.43789) Vichery Peninsular War
3 February 1813 Spain French victoryFight of Sigüenza (41.16920, -2.43789) Vichery Peninsular War
5 April 1813 Germany French defeatFight of Möckern (Dannigkow 52.07186, 11.87559, Vehlitz 52.10253, 11.87958 et Zeddenick 52.13743, 11.89724) Grenier Last Campaign in Germany
27 April 1813 Germany French victory Fight of Weissenfels Ney Last Campaign in Germany
29 April 1813 Germany French victory Fight of Merseburg Macdonald Last Campaign in Germany
1st May 1813 Germany French victory Fight of Poserna (51.21452, 12.08140) Ney Last Campaign in Germany
2 May 1813 Germany French victory Battle of Lützen (Schlacht bei Großgörschen) Napoléon Last Campaign in Germany
12 May 1813 Germany French victory Fight of Bischofswerda Macdonald Last Campaign in Germany
20 May 1813 Germany French victory Battle of Bautzen Napoléon Last Campaign in Germany
21 May 1813 Germany French victory Battle of Wurschen Napoléon Last Campaign in Germany
21 June 1813 Spain French defeat Battle of Vitoria [Vitoria-Gasteiz] Joseph Bonaparte Peninsular War
19 August 1813 Poland French victory Fight of Helle (Hellau) [Zadole] (51.06497, 15.61925) Lauriston Last Campaign in Germany
21 August 1813 Poland French victory Fight of the river Bober [Bóbr] Maison Last Campaign in Germany
23 August 1813 Poland French victory Fight of Goldberg [Złotoryja] Gérard Last Campaign in Germany
23 August 1813 Germany French defeat Battle of Gross-Beeren Oudinot Last Campaign in Germany
26 August 1813 Germany French defeat Battle of the Katzbach Macdonald Last Campaign in Germany
27 August 1813 Germany French victory Battle of Dresden Napoléon Last Campaign in Germany
28 August 1813 Germany French victory Fight of Pirna Vandamme Last Campaign in Germany
30 August 1813 République tchèque French defeat Battle of Kulm [Chlumec] Vandamme Last Campaign in Germany
31 August 1813 Spain French defeat Fight of San Marcial at Irun Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
4 September 1813 Germany French victory Fight of the Wohlenberg [Wohlaerberg] (51.14354, 14.63978) Napoléon Last Campaign in Germany
6 September 1813 Germany French defeat Battle of Dennewitz (Battle of Jüterbock) (51.97402, 13.01253) Ney Last Campaign in Germany
12 September 1813 Spain French victory Fight of Villafranca del Penedès (or of the Pass of Ordal) (41.38918, 1.85893) Suchet Peninsular War
15 September 1813 Germany French victory Fight of Gieshubel [Berggießhübel] (50.87387, 13.94740) Lobau Last Campaign in Germany
16 September 1813 Czech Republic French victory Fight of Peterswalde [Petrovice] (50.78962, 13.97573) Ornano Last Campaign in Germany
17 September 1813 Czech Republic French defeat Fight of Dolnitz [Teplice] (Second battle of Kulm) (50.73190, 13.95838) Mouton-Duvernet Last Campaign in Germany
3 October 1813 Germany French defeat Fight of Wartenburg Bertrand Last Campaign in Germany
4 October 1813 Spain French victory Fight of Sant Privat d'en Bas (42.14898, 2.40798) Petit Peninsular War
7 October 1813 Spain French defeat Battle of the Bidassoa river (or of La Rhune or of Larrun) Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
10 October 1813 Germany French victory Fight of Wethau (51.13720, 11.85936) Augereau Last Campaign in Germany
12 October 1813 Germany French victory Fight of Dessau Delmas Last Campaign in Germany
16 October 1813 Germany Uncertain outcome Battle of Wachau Napoléon Last Campaign in Germany
18 October 1813 Germany French defeat Battle of the Nations (Battle of Leipzig) Napoléon Last Campaign in Germany
22 October 1813 Spain French defeat Loss of Morella Suchet Peninsular War
30 October 1813 Germany French victory Battle of Hanau Napoléon Last Campaign in Germany
31 October 1813 Spain French defeat Loss of Pampeluna [Pamplona] Cassan Peninsular War
10 November 1813 France French defeat Battle of the river Nivelle Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
12 November 1813 France French victory Fight of Cambo Foy Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
15 November 1813 Italy French victory Battle of Caldiero Prince Eugène War of the Sixth Coalition (Battlefront of Italy)
10 December 1813 France Uncertain outcome Fight of the river Nive Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
13 December 1813 France French defeat Battle of Saint-Pierre d'Irube Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
24 December 1813 Italy French victory Fight of Castagnaro (45.12054, 11.41069) Deconchy War of the Sixth Coalition (Battlefront of Italy)
6 January 1814 France French victory Fight of La Bastide Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
9 January 1814 France French victory Fight of Rambervillers Bernon de Montélégier Campaign of France
12 January 1814 France French defeat Fight of Epinal/Saint-Dié Duhesme Campaign of France
24 January 1814 France French victory First fight of Bar-sur-Aube Joseph Bonaparte, Mortier Campaign of France
24 January 1814 Belgium French defeat Fight of Saint-Trond [Sint-Truiden] Maison Campaign of France (Northern battlefront)
27 January 1814 France French victory Fight of Saint-Dizier (48.63732, 4.94975) Napoléon Campaign of France
29 January 1814 France French victory Battle of Brienne Napoléon Campaign of France
1st February 1814 France French defeat Battle of La Rothière Napoléon Campaign of France
4 February 1814 France French victory Fight of Saint-Thibault (48.20693, 4.13720) Michel Campaign of France
8 February 1814 Italy French victory Battle of the river Mincio Prince Eugène War of the Sixth Coalition (Battlefront of Italy)
9 February 1814 France Uncertain outcome Fight of La Ferté-sous-Jouarre Macdonald Campaign of France
10 February 1814 France French victory Fight of Champaubert Napoléon Campaign of France
11 February 1814 France French victory Battle of Montmirail Napoléon Campaign of France
12 February 1814 France French victory Fight of Château-Thierry Napoléon Campaign of France
13 February 1814 France French defeat Fight of Cuterelles [Cutrelles] Oudinot Campaign of France
14 February 1814 France French victory Fight of Vauchamps Napoléon Campaign of France
15 February 1814 France French defeat Fight of Saint-Palais (or of Garris) Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
17 February 1814 France French victory Fight of Mormant Victor, Gérard Campaign of France
17 February 1814 France French victory Fight of Valjouan Victor, Gérard Campaign of France
18 February 1814 France French victory Fight of Montereau Napoléon Campaign of France
22 February 1814 France Uncertain outcome Fight of Méry-sur-Seine Boyer Campaign of France
23 February 1814 France French victory Recapture of Troyes Gérard Campaign of France
27 February 1814 France French defeat Battle of Orthez Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
27 February 1814 France Uncertain outcome Fight of Meaux Marmont Campaign of France
27 February 1814 France French defeat Fight of Bar-sur-Aube Macdonald Campaign of France
28 February 1814 France French victory Fight of Gué-à-Trême Vincent, Christiani Campaign of France
1st March 1814 France French victory Fight of Lizy Marmont Campaign of France
1st March 1814 France French defeat Fight of Aire-sur-Adour Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
2 March 1814 France French defeat Fight of Bar-sur-Seine Macdonald Campaign of France
2 March 1814 Italy French victory Capture of Parma Grenier War of the Sixth Coalition (Battlefront of Italy)
3 March 1814 France Uncertain outcome Fight of La Barce Marmont, Macdonald, Oudinot Campaign of France
3 March 1814 France French victory Fight of Neuilly Saint-Front Marmont, Macdonald, Oudinot Campaign of France
7 March 1814 France French victory Battle of Craonne Napoléon Campaign of France
9 March 1814 France French defeat Battle of Laon Napoléon Campaign of France
11 March 1814 France French defeat Fight of Mâcon Augereau Campaign of France
12 March 1814 France French victory Fight of Viella Berton Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
13 March 1814 France French victory Recapture of Reims Napoléon Campaign of France
16 March 1814 France Uncertain outcome Fight of Cormeron Leval, Gérard Campaign of France
16 March 1814 France Uncertain outcome Fight of Nogent (or of Léchelle) Leval, Gérard Campaign of France
19 March 1814 France French victory Fight of Méry Napoléon, Sébastiani Campaign of France
19 March 1814 France French victory Fight of Plancy Napoléon Campaign of France
20 March 1814 France French defeat Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube Napoléon Campaign of France
20 March 1814 France French defeat Fight of Tarbes Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
25 March 1814 France French defeat Battle of Fère-Champenoise Mortier, Marmont Campaign of France
30 March 1814 France French defeat Battle of Paris Joseph Bonaparte, Mortier, Marmont Campaign of France
10 April 1814 France French defeat Battle of Toulouse Soult Campaign of France (The Pyrenees)
15 June 1815 Belgium French victory Crossing of the river Sambre Napoléon Campaign in Belgium
16 June 1815 Belgium French victory Battle of Ligny Napoléon Campaign in Belgium
16 June 1815 Belgium Uncertain outcome Battle of Quatre-Bras Ney Campaign in Belgium
18 June 1815 Belgium French defeat Battle of Waterloo (Mont-Saint-Jean) Napoléon Campaign in Belgium
20 June 1815 Belgium French victory Fight of Namur Grouchy Campaign in Belgium
28-29 June 1815 France French defeat Battle of La Souffel Rapp War of the Seventh Coalition
1st July 1815 France French victory Fight of Rocquencourt Exelmans War of the Seventh Coalition
27 August 1815 France French defeat Defence of Huningue Barbanègre War of the Seventh Coalition
Defence of a town
Capture (or recapture) of a town
Crossing of a river or a pass
Other feat of arms
French victory French victory
Uncertain outcome Uncertain outcome
French defeat French defeat